After two months of intermittent pain, I passed my kidney stone.

Image from and submitted by Psytoxic
image showing After two months of intermittent pain, I passed my kidney stone.

MooFuckingCow on September 22nd, 2022 at 02:04 UTC »

*Violently drinks water\*

coffeecofeecoffee on September 22nd, 2022 at 02:15 UTC »

Out of all the semi common medical conditions kidney stones scare me the most. Why the hell do our kidney pipes even have pain receptors?

FriendlyMa on September 22nd, 2022 at 02:20 UTC »

True story:

My grandfather was a tough mother who once was 2nd degree burned all over his entire leg and didn't complain about the pain ever but when he was in the hospital for a kidney stone, he called his lawyer because he wanted to write his will.