Endangered sea turtle nest found at Galveston Island State Park for the first time in a decade – Houston Public Media

Authored by houstonpublicmedia.org and submitted by zsreport
image for Endangered sea turtle nest found at Galveston Island State Park for the first time in a decade – Houston Public Media

The nest contained more than one hundred eggs laid by a Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle — one of the most endangered sea turtle species in the world.

A nest of endangered sea turtle eggs was found on the beachside of Galveston Island State Park last week — the first nest found at the park in over a decade.

The nest contained 107 eggs laid by a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, which is one of the most endangered sea turtle species in the world.

This was the first nest found at Galveston Island State Park since 2012, according to Christopher Marshall, a professor of Marine Biology at Texas A&M and director for the Gulf Center for Sea Turtle Research.

Once the nest was discovered, it was brought to an incubation facility at Padre Island National Seashore, Marshall said.

“Every egg matters,” Marshall said. "A lot of nesting habitat for the Kemp's Ridley has been lost to storms, high tide and predation, which is why it is important to transport these nests to an environment where they have the best chance for survival into adulthood."

The species was almost lost in the 1980s until intensive conservation efforts were implemented on nesting beaches and through fisheries management, according to NOAA Fisheries. Bycatch — the intentional capture of non-target species while fishing — continues to be the biggest threat facing Kemp's Ridley sea turtles.

Marshall said the typical nesting season for the Kemp's Ridley sea turtle runs between April 1 and July 15. He urged anyone who finds a nest to stay at least 60 feet away and to call the Sea Turtle hotline at 1-866-TURTLE-5.

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IDontReadMyMail on May 24th, 2022 at 01:27 UTC »

This is a Kemp’s ridley nest, and Kemp’s ridleys pretty famously only nest farther south on certain Mexican beaches (in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas iirc). But recently a few Kemp’s nests are starting to turn up farther north. including some on the Atlantic beaches (a couple Kemp’s have nested as far north as Georgia recently). Possibly a response to climate change and the resulting warmer water temps as well as warmer beach sand temps.

Similarly, young Kemp’s in summer now swim WAY far north than they used to. The juveniles get as far north as Maine now in summers (and then end up stranding on Cape Cod when they try to swim back south in the fall - there’s a huge annual mass stranding of young Kemp’s on Cape Cod now near Boston every November - this only started happening on a large scale about 10 years ago).

bag_of_f_stops on May 23rd, 2022 at 23:59 UTC »

Happy National Turtle Day! 🐢

zsreport on May 23rd, 2022 at 22:59 UTC »

Some great news:

A nest of endangered sea turtle eggs was found on the beachside of Galveston Island State Park last week — the first nest found at the park in over a decade.

The nest contained 107 eggs laid by a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, which is one of the most endangered sea turtle species in the world.