Woman in Her Underwear Chases an Eagle Away from Goose while Breastfeeding

Authored by thebuzz.iheart.com and submitted by OranguPanda

You never know when it's time to be a hero. A woman in Canada was in her house nursing her baby when she saw an eagle swoop down and carry away her pet goose.

Next thing you know she's running out the front door in her underwear . . . baby at her breast . . . and chasing the eagle away. The goose was okay.

She's in her panties and topless, but the baby covers her breasts. Here's the video .

RaccoonyDave on May 20th, 2022 at 00:36 UTC »

What is this? A new age of mythology?

froglover215 on May 19th, 2022 at 23:46 UTC »

That title was a rollercoaster.

heavy_deez on May 19th, 2022 at 23:29 UTC »

Wow, I didn't even know geese breastfeed..