Marine Le Pen to withdraw France from NATO’s unified military command if she wins

Authored by and submitted by viwkeks

“I want France to leave NATO’s unified military command. I will never agree that our troops are subordinate to the NATO command or the European command. France should return to the status in the alliance that it had from 1966 to 2009,” the French presidential candidate said.

National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen has said that if she wins the presidential election, she will withdraw France from NATO’s unified military command.

Le Pen said that if she is elected, she intends to offer NATO a strategic rapprochement with Russia after the end of the conflict in Ukraine.

“When hostilities are over, I will propose a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia,” Le Pen said.

She added that the key principles of her foreign policy will be “independence, equidistance and constancy.”

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ThisisthewayLA on April 14th, 2022 at 00:48 UTC »

Fuck Putin and Fuck Marine Le Pen!

arthurpaliden on April 13rd, 2022 at 20:06 UTC »

Didn't they do this once before?

Kbeanb on April 13rd, 2022 at 19:29 UTC »

This is straight up bonkers to me.

Explain like I’m 5 how she thinks this will help the election?