Murmuration of starlings takes on the shape of a giant bird as they fly over Lough Ennell, Ireland.

Image from and submitted by Incorrect_UserID
image showing Murmuration of starlings takes on the shape of a giant bird as they fly over Lough Ennell, Ireland.

scrap_wood on January 4th, 2022 at 13:30 UTC »

If r/birdsarentreal is correct, this is like the Megazord of bird drones.

Awesome picture. Thanks, OP.

beerme72 on January 4th, 2022 at 13:59 UTC »

Imagine walking around in OLD World England...a lot of Marshy swampy areas because the land wasn't drained yet....a lot of fog....and you see faintly in the sky something that looks dunno what....of COURSE there were flying dragons in 'the old times'...