The Daily Populous

Sunday October 3rd, 2021 morning edition

image for Arizona Democrats threaten “no confidence” vote against Sinema as she blocks tax hikes

Asked if Sinema wanted to comment on the resolution, a spokesperson told Forbes' Andrew Solender, "We do not.".

Many Arizona activists who helped elect Sinema in 2018 feel let down by the senator, who has thrown up repeated roadblocks to her party's agenda.

"The Arizonans who did the work to elect Sinema have had enough of her betraying the voters who put her in office," Newkirk told The Daily Beast, which first reported the vote.

"It's time for her to show the bare minimum of accountability and stop obstructing the agenda that Democrats, including her, campaigned on and were elected to deliver.

"She is gutting and undermining Biden's agenda, and hurting all Dems including [fellow Arizona senator] Mark Kelly" who is up for re-election next year.

Robert Cruickshank, campaign director at the progressive group Demand Progress, argued that Sinema's opposition "gives away what is really going in Congress.".

"The right-wing Dems are carrying water for big corporations and billionaires who don't want their taxes to go up. »

Paris demonstrators demand EU ban products linked to Uighur slave labour

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Demonstrators gathered in Paris on Saturday to demand an EU ban on products linked to the use of forced labour of Uighur minorities in China’s Xinjiang province.

Speaking to FRANCE 24, Raphaël Glucksman, member of the European Parliament, accused European companies with interests in China of attempting to block EU efforts to ban forced labour products.

The demonstration came weeks after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced plans for an import ban on products made with forced labour. »

Genshin Impact Generates $2 Billion on Mobile in First Year

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Excluding China, Genshin Impact ranked as the No. 1 top grossing mobile game worldwide, ahead of Pokémon GO at No. 2 and Roblox at No. 3.

Genshin Impact has had one of the most successful mobile game launches ever.

In its first full year, Lineage M picked up close to $1.2 billion, while Pokémon GO accumulated $1.1 billion. »