The Daily Populous

Sunday September 12nd, 2021 evening edition

image for George Bush Delights Democrats, Infuriates MAGA World With Veiled Jan. 6, 9/11 Comparison

"There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home," he said.

"But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit.".

"And it is our continuing duty to confront them," Bush added.

Democrats and other critics of Trump quickly praised the former Republican president's apparent linking of January 6 to September 11.

"George W. Bush is right—we must always remain vigilant against terrorist extremists both at home and abroad.

"George Bush has been a skid mark on this nation for some time.

Bush has previously been outspoken about condemning the Capitol rioters and Republican politicians that have supported them. »

Bishop resigns after falling for satanic erotic fiction author

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According to the BBC, he “became Spain’s youngest bishop” in 2010 at 41 years old.

Now, because he wanted this rap sheet to be a bit more colorful, Novell has left all of this behind to pursue a relationship with psychologist and author of “satanic-tinged erotic fiction,” Silvia Caballol.

They also say that Pope Francis has personally “urged Bishop Novell to undergo an exorcism,” though Novell’s refused. »

Putin and Lukashenko move to integrate economies of Russia and Belarus

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The countries will move to integrate their energy markets while maintaining steeply discounted supplies of natural gas to Belarus, and Russia will provide a further $630m in loans to the cash-strapped Belarusian government, Putin said.

Belarus also claimed that Moscow had moved Su-30 fighters to Belarus in order to patrol the country’s borders with Europe.

“We are moving forward like civilised countries, only together, only as a union … nearly a single people,” said Lukashenko in a rhetorical flourish. »

Stratospheric Polar Vortex returns for Winter 2021/2022, together with a strong easterly wind anomaly high above the Equator, impacting the Winter season

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Before explaining what is coming for the Polar Vortex and our Winter weather, we will quickly learn what exactly is the Polar Vortex.

You can see on the image above what the true extent of the polar vortex looks like at lower altitudes in Winter.

This is the heart of the Polar Vortex, as the colder it gets, the stronger the polar vortex can become. »

Fossil Fuel Capitalism Is Cutting Our Lives Short

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‘Coal is the source of the problem in most parts of the world,’ Professor Michael Greenstone, co-author of the report, told the Guardian.

‘If these [health] costs were embedded in prices, coal would be uncompetitive in almost all parts of the world.’.

These countries are most dependent on fossil fuels and most fatally impacted by both climate breakdown and dirty air. »