These stealth bombers fly over my property daily, finally got a decent picture of one.

Image from and submitted by SirTrypsalot
image showing These stealth bombers fly over my property daily, finally got a decent picture of one.

magpieman01 on August 22nd, 2021 at 13:33 UTC »

Fuck...that would be so cool to see..are they loud?

Felash on August 22nd, 2021 at 15:14 UTC »

Im a photographer in the AF and even with all the training and high tech cameras they give us, photographing B-2s is still a nightmare. Its impossible to get any detail of the plane in the picture. Literally just a black triangle in the sky. During the airshow at Barksdale we knew one was gonna fly over and the exact spot where it was gonna fly; we still struggled to get a good pic. lol

WestTinLA on August 22nd, 2021 at 15:31 UTC »

My dad used to work for an asphalt company in New Mexico in the 80s, where they were building roads in the absolute middle of nowhere.

Never a believer in UFOs but one time he came home and swore he saw a flying triangle are dusk in the middle of the desert.

He was the only car for probably 100 miles in every direction as he was inspecting a newly laid road.

He was out of his car and then this giant triangle seemingly out of nowhere buzzed over him at a very low altitude. Almost knocked him off his feet.

Friends would say he was crazy. And then one night in 1990 we were watching the news as a family and they showed a B2 bomber! Dad just stood up! “That’s it! That’s the flying triangle! I wasn’t crazy!”

Edit - Wow! My first ever gold! Thank you kind stranger!