Saw this cloud upon exiting the grocery store today

Image from and submitted by MumfordAndStuns
image showing Saw this cloud upon exiting the grocery store today

Helllgrew on July 7th, 2021 at 02:10 UTC »

Looks like a final fantasy final boss

white-on-rye on July 7th, 2021 at 02:19 UTC »

The angel of death is upon you

crazydr13 on July 7th, 2021 at 02:37 UTC »

This is a very ragged shelf cloud. These clouds represent the leading edge of the outflow into the storm (which I’m assuming was right over you). Very cool shot because generally if a storm is strong enough to produce a shelf cloud, it’s strong enough to be very consolidated.

I do atmospheric science so please feel free to drop any questions you have about clouds or the atmosphere

Edit: shelf clouds form on the outflow, not the inflow. Oops!