Funny how its always the oppressor playing the victim

Image from and submitted by THEDARKKCHILD
image showing Funny how its always the oppressor playing the victim

Fishtoots on June 29th, 2021 at 15:28 UTC »

Related but slightly off topic, news injected with opinion needs to stop. That’s part of how we got here

bolivar-shagnasty on June 29th, 2021 at 15:36 UTC »

I try and explain this to my family about privilege.

When we get pulled over, our only real concern is how much will this ticket be.

When we apply for jobs, our applications aren’t likely to get tossed based on our name alone. Andrew and Tara get more calls back than Andre and Tanisha.

When we go into a gas station, we’re not likely to get followed because the owner thinks we might shoplift.

If we go to court, we are more likely to get more lenient sentencing than someone who doesn’t look like us.

But my stupid-ass family can’t get past the “privilege” part.

I’m poor. I ain’t got no privileges.

Shut the fuck up Trent. It’s not that you have it easy. It’s that the deck isn’t stacked against you from birth you water headed ardipithecus.

Edit: lots of racist apologists in these comments

ottajon on June 29th, 2021 at 15:39 UTC »

They want us to fight each other instead of them that is what it is about