This intentionally misleading graph to make it look like homelessness is only a small fraction of what it once was.

Image from and submitted by 15328AAA
image showing This intentionally misleading graph to make it look like homelessness is only a small fraction of what it once was.

beathelas on June 28th, 2021 at 00:14 UTC »

Honesty is so important. When it becomes clear that a person's communications are deliberately dishonest, it doesn't matter what their information is, what their point is, they make themselves untrustworthy.

biiingo on June 28th, 2021 at 00:56 UTC »

This is called a ‘disappearing baseline’ and is an infamous way to misrepresent data.

King-Of-Rats on June 28th, 2021 at 02:12 UTC »

As someone who works directly with the homeless - we genuinely have reduced homelessness by pretty decent numbers, especially in “special cases” like homelessness in Veterans due to specific funding for these cases (whether or not we should treat some homeless with more “priority” than others is a moral question into itself).

That being said, it’s really not an issue that can be whisked away with awareness or anything. Many people who are homeless have genuinely just fallen on rough times for a bit, but many others are genuinely unable to maintain housing long term and we need more subsidized housing to support that. Currently - full SSI disability pays out I think… $794-?, per month. If you are on SSI without any other subsidies or substantial assistance programs you are fucked. Full stop.