The Daily Populous

Saturday June 19th, 2021 evening edition

image for Kill the 5-Day Workweek

“The idea that you can succeed as a company by working fewer hours sounds like you’re reading druidic runes or something.”

And it would reignite an essential but long-forgotten moral project: making American life less about work.

But their experiences suggest that when done right, reducing workers’ hours doesn’t necessarily hurt profitability.

It worked: Perpetual Guardian’s business didn’t suffer, and the four-day workweek is still in place three years later.

When employees are given a good reason to work harder, they often focus more ruthlessly on their most important tasks.

Barnes found that even though weekly working hours were cut by 20 percent, employees’ time spent on nonwork websites fell by 35 percent.

It might not pay, but they find other pursuits in their nonwork time, and they don’t want to go back.”. »

Earl Grey tea intoxication

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1 week after the change, he noticed repeated muscle cramps for some seconds in his right foot.

The longer he drank Earl Grey tea, the more intense the muscle cramps became.

He was still drinking 2 L of plain black tea daily (his entire fluid intake), and had no complaints. »

Canada-U.S. border closure extended again, until July 21

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3:19 What premiers are looking for in Canada’s border reopening plan What premiers are looking for in Canada’s border reopening plan.

Trudeau addressed this on Friday at a press conference, acknowledging the ongoing border closure “is frustrating.”.

1:39 Western premiers call for timelines on international travel and border reopening Western premiers call for timelines on international travel and border reopening. »

Teaching kids social responsibility – like how to settle fights and ask for help – can reduce school bullying

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We surveyed 1,850 Brazilian schoolchildren ages 7 to 15 and their teachers over a three-month period in 2019 – shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted in-person instruction.

The teachers were working to cultivate these social responsibility skills among their students.

Students who said their teachers encouraged them to care about others and work together to settle disputes, and fostered a classroom environment with clear rules, also said they felt both less aggressive and less victimized by their classmates. »