Artful Photographs of the Nude Form

Image from and submitted by Lemons_All_The_Time
image showing Artful Photographs of the Nude Form

sparkystudiosYT on June 9th, 2021 at 15:15 UTC »

I too, send digital messages similar to jigsaw

Ahilgen85 on June 9th, 2021 at 16:07 UTC »

But the answer is still yes, right?

Vemmna on June 9th, 2021 at 16:53 UTC »

Hello Alexander. I want to play a game.

For too long you have not experienced the joy of my artful nudes. You have lived your life, if you can call it that, ignorant of the life-affirmimg gift of my nude form.

So I offer you a choice. You can either accept my earlier proposal, and be on your way. Or you can languish in torment, never knowing what you could you seen, if you'd only been more open minded.

I implore you to make the right choice.

Let the games begin.