some people are just dumb

Image from and submitted by SwagLord_101
image showing some people are just dumb

lucifer-ase on May 31st, 2021 at 04:24 UTC »

Of course he is against education having just put his complete lack of it on public display

Phannig on May 31st, 2021 at 04:53 UTC »

Ah yes...I well remember the day I was tinkering around with some raw silica (Edit:silicon) and inadvertently developed an iPhone.

FM13x on May 31st, 2021 at 05:27 UTC »

Back in 2012, when MN legislature was voting to legalize same-sex marriage, I reached out to the representative from my rural hometown encouraging him to support it with his vote.

He told me it didn’t reflect the values of our community. I sent him a link to a bio-tech complex that was going to be built in the largest city in his district along with stats about millennials supporting the measure. I told him I left bum-fuck nowhere because I knew I needed a competitive education. And if he wanted young people to come back to work in the bio-tech industry he wanted to bring in, he should consider representing their values too.

He didn’t reply to that.