Nope, not in the great US of A!

Image from and submitted by DeborahDrumm
image showing Nope, not in the great US of A!

live4lax25 on May 19th, 2021 at 17:35 UTC »

You’ll never get people to stop charging for services rendered, or people trying to use their money to get ahead. But you can stop public school from being funded by property taxes, which causes much of the town to town disparity disparity we see, and make them uniformly funded by the state

Tiny_Ad_3304 on May 19th, 2021 at 17:44 UTC »

It's not just that. I'm sure not only are teaching standards high there, but also teacher compensation is better. Curriculum is better. Administrators aren't taking a lion's share of the funding. Etc..

Iikefrankiesaid on May 19th, 2021 at 20:27 UTC »

Funding schools through property taxes, America's favorite method, feeds unequal education. I'm not saying we could change overnight, but there has to be a better way. One that would ensure a much more equal quality and quantity of resources.