Thanks grandma!

Image from and submitted by Thryloz
image showing Thanks grandma!

Afraid-Pomegranate88 on April 23rd, 2021 at 02:42 UTC »

In physics, you learn that everyone experiences the world through their own frame of reference. In my frame of reference, I haven't grown in 15 years, but in my grandparents' frame of reference, I have never stopped growing. Doesn't make it any less real

JeevesVoorhees on April 23rd, 2021 at 03:28 UTC »

I haven't seen my grandma in years, which might explain why I'm so short and ugly.

WomanNotAGirl on April 23rd, 2021 at 03:40 UTC »

Both of my grandmas passed away. Yesterday was my birthday. Today I woke up to a video of my grandma saying happy birthday to me. I was bowling. It’s a video of her they recorded a few years back when it was my mom’s birthday. It doesn’t say my daughter or her name. It’s a video that’s I’ve seen many times. Regardless of that to watch it as a response with the other birthday wishes was the craziest, most emotional feeling ever. So I walked into physical therapy with red eyes. Ended not going to work. Instead I went home, cried some more and slept all day.

My grandma passed away a year and some change ago. Right around the time I tried to kill myself. So a lot of emotions are tied to her passing. Of course my uncle who is so sweet doesn’t know this fact. I couldn’t make it to her funeral as I was recovering from a surgery and my passport was expired and in my religion they bury the deceased by sundown.