The Daily Populous

Thursday April 15th, 2021 night edition

image for AstraZeneca vaccine droppes i Danmark

Vaccinen fra AstraZeneca droppes nu helt i Danmark og er skrevet ud af det samlede vaccinationsprogram.

Den ene årsag er, at man nu kan konstatere en sammenhæng mellem vaccinen og alvorlige bivirkninger som sjældne blodpropper.

Han understreger samtidig, at det ikke alene sammenhængen mellem vaccine og bivirkninger, der gør, at AstraZeneca-vaccinen droppes.

Og for engangs skyld har vi i Danmark været vakse ved havelågen ved at skaffe os store mængder vaccine.

Derfor er heller ikke denne vaccine i spil i Danmark, men sundhedsmyndighederne oplyste tirsdag, at en endelig melding kommer senere denne uge.

Det Europæiske Lægemiddelagentur (EMA) fortsatte længe med at anbefale brugen af AstraZeneca på trods af, at flere lande i Europa satte vaccinen på pause.

I sidste uge var beskeden fra EMA dog, at der er en mulig sammenhæng mellem den og de sjældne blodpropper. »

2021 News - UM School of Medicine Study Shows that Psychedelic Experience May Not be Required for Psilocybin’s Antidepressant-like Benefits

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Researchers in the field have long attributed psilocybin’s effectiveness to the intense psychedelic experience.

“The psychedelic experience is incredibly powerful and can be life-changing, but that could be too much for some people or not appropriate.”.

The School of Medicine works locally, nationally, and globally, with research and treatment facilities in 36 countries around the world. »

China Launches Hotline to Report Online Comments That ‘Distort’ History or ‘Deny’ Its Cultural Excellence

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China’s internet regulator has launched a hotline for citizens to report online comments that defame the ruling Communist Party and its approved description of history ahead of the Party’s upcoming 100th anniversary.

“We hope that most internet users will play an active role in supervising society…and enthusiastically report harmful information.”.

“Historically nihilistic” information, in official rhetoric, is content that incites doubt about the Party’s account of the past. »

No charges for Capitol Police officer who shot Jan. 6 rioter, Justice Department says

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The Justice Department won't file charges against the U.S.Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt during the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

The Justice Department said the focus of the investigation was to determine whether the officer violated any federal laws, including federal criminal civil rights laws.

Babbitt was one of five people, including a Capitol Police officer, to die as a result of the riot. »

TIL over 80% of the losses by Bernie Madoff's victims were recovered.

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At the end of D5, MVF paid or reserved all its funds except for $26.5 million that remained free for immediate distribution.

MVF then used all but the $8.3 million of unobligated funds you see in the chart above for payments to victims in D6.

To ensure fair and timely recovery for approved victims with complete claims, DOJ retains discretion to reallocate the earmark reserves further. »