
Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by DaFunkJunkie
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curryfart on April 2nd, 2021 at 02:07 UTC »

Trying to disagree with this but I can't! Spot on. Anyways why don't you guys have free health care? I just had plastic surgery to get an SCC cut out from my face, it was free.

DennisTheBald on April 2nd, 2021 at 02:34 UTC »

But if we acted reasonably how could we rile up the base

Gmony5100 on April 2nd, 2021 at 06:54 UTC »

Here’s how we should all talk about abortion. Everyone wants there to be less abortions. Pro-choice people don’t WANT more abortions to happen, we just want people to have the option because (in our eyes) it’s better than the alternative. In a perfect world nobody would NEED to get an abortion because anybody who doesn’t want kids would have the knowledge and resources to prevent pregnancy. Both sides want the same thing; less abortions.

How do we do that? Well, we actually happen to know the answer. Three things have been proven to decrease the number of abortions.

1) Increase access to contraceptives. This is simple, if more people can easily get their hands on condoms and birth control and the day after pill, there’s less of a chance of someone becoming pregnant if they don’t want to.

2) Vamp up sex education. Sex Ed in many places is atrocious. The amount of grown adults who don’t know that penis in vagina sex is how you get pregnant is absolutely shocking. Abstinence only Sex Ed Does. Not. Work. People are going to have sex, teach them how to do it safely.

3) Make abortions legal. In every study done on abortion the abortion rate either did not change or increased when it was outlawed. The only thing that changed was how many people died from it. Outlawing abortions does not decrease the number of abortions, it only entices people to do them more dangerously.

So you have to ask yourself. This is readily available information for anyone to find and research. If someone knows these statistics to be true, yet still wants to outlaw abortion, they have ulterior motives. Ask yourself what and why that may be