Actual quote from an iNfLuEnCeR who wanted me to address 250 wedding invites AND save the date cards. If it's "just writing" surely you can do it yourself 🤗

Image from and submitted by MyOwnGuitarHero
image showing Actual quote from an iNfLuEnCeR who wanted me to address 250 wedding invites AND save the date cards. If it's "just writing" surely you can do it yourself 🤗

R0BERT50N on March 31st, 2021 at 11:46 UTC »

So do you write them as a template and print them or do you have to hand write all 250 plus another 250

frankieknucks on March 31st, 2021 at 12:04 UTC »

500+ followers makes someone an influencer these days? The economy must really be in the shitter.

MaximaBlink on March 31st, 2021 at 12:25 UTC »

Yo, can you write out my whole resume like this? I have 7 reddit followers and I'll totally shout you out.