"Why is this subreddit private?" See here for answers! : Blank-Cheque

Authored by reddit.com and submitted by ADotSapiens

If you've been linked to this page, you likely tried to view a subreddit that's been made private. You may be asking yourself "Why can't I look at teh memes and teh cat gifs??" I'll tell you why, young redditor:

It's because one of reddit's new employees is a supporter of child rape, and the mods of the subreddit you're attempting to view think that's bad. They also think it's bad for reddit to be censoring any mention of this across the site, including banning people just for saying the name of said admin in a completely unrelated context.

What am I talking about? Click here for more information! Or here!

See the comments for a list of subreddits currently private!

Q: What does "private" mean in this context?

A: Reddit mods have the ability to make their subreddits unavailable for public use if they so choose - this is what they're doing here. Private is not the same thing as banned.

Q: When will these subreddits reopen?

A: I cannot speak for all of the subreddits involved, but I would not support reopening until reddit makes a statement explaining either why they hired the admin in question despite her past, or why they can't explain it.

Additional info I've been tipped off to that may not be included in any of the linked threads: before becoming an admin, the person in question moderated subreddits specifically for teenaged audiences. I cannot link to proof of this because it uses their full name which reddit won't allow me to say, but it's from a well-known and reliable online newspaper.

Do you mod a subreddit that has gone private over this as well? Message me or reply to this post and let me know so I can include you in the list!

Update 6:24 PM EST: Reddit came up with their first attempt at damage control!

Update 11:26 PM EST: Reddit is "unable to comment on specific employment details" of why they employed someone who supports child rapists! Very cool, reddit!

Update 11:30 PM EST: Reddit sent this message out to several of the larger private subreddits - this message has replies disabled, of course, so I can't ask for further clarification. If I could reply to /u/landoflobsters, I would ask them: "Can I then put the full name of the admin in question at the top of my megathread?" Feel free to reply here with your answer!

P.S. Please do not dox anyone or post bigotry in this thread.

P.P.S. Please do not give me awards, reddit doesn't deserve your money. If you would like to show your support please donate to a relevant charity (see below for examples) - if you send me proof of your donation I'll feature you in this post.

Temporary update (this edit will be removed later): As I am a human being with things like a metabolism and a circadian rhythm, I must now sleep. No new subreddits will be added for the next couple hours. I will catch back up with all new messages when I wake.

AtomicKittensAttack on March 24th, 2021 at 01:32 UTC »

I’m sorry but r/Nintendowaifus (porn sub of Nintendo characters) and r/yiff going down makes me laugh so much

if rule34 gets a traffic spike we’ll know where they’re coming from


Clustaskee on March 24th, 2021 at 00:20 UTC »

I dont understand why Reddit doesn't just fire her. Like this isn't a good hill to die on.

LeGunslinger on March 23rd, 2021 at 23:17 UTC »

Some more context if anyone will? A bit out of the loop here