This is my clearest picture of a third quarter Moon that required 42,000 images and 74GB of data. Zoom in! (Composite)

Image from and submitted by Astronophilos
image showing This is my clearest picture of a third quarter Moon that required 42,000 images and 74GB of data. Zoom in! (Composite)

Robert_Thunder on March 14th, 2021 at 23:36 UTC »

The file size is surprisingly small for the level of detail.

quadripedal on March 14th, 2021 at 23:46 UTC »

Wonderful...hard to imagine work of this quality is achievable by non-professionals!

Astronophilos on March 15th, 2021 at 00:23 UTC »

For some reason, my detailed description I write here is automatically removed... You can see the description (as well as my whole work) on my Instagram, or on other posts on my Reddit profile. Thanks for understanding and for your precious support!