This is what we mean by "billionaires should not exist"

Image from and submitted by lrlOurPresident
image showing This is what we mean by "billionaires should not exist"

--kvothe on March 13rd, 2021 at 19:54 UTC »

After a point, excess wealth is truly obscene when so many people are literally struggling to provide for their families and have some semblance of a decent life. Honestly, no one needs a Billion dollars, no one.

radeongt on March 13rd, 2021 at 21:05 UTC »

Maybe we should idk close the MASSIVE tax loopholes and use the BILLIONS in tax money we get to provide free health care? I think that's fair right?

Puzzleheaded_Top447 on March 13rd, 2021 at 21:20 UTC »

Jeff Bezos has $183 billion dollars (in Amazon stock).

It's hard to comprehend how big that is.

For perspective, let's imagine 183 billion dollars worth of 100 dollar bills stacked on top of each other. The average thickness for a 100 dollar bill is 0.0043 inches. 183 billion dollars in 100 dollar bills is 1.83 billion notes. 1.83 billion notes * 0.0043 inches = 7.869 million inches = 124.2 miles. Mount Everest is 5.5 miles tall. This stack of cash would be 22.58 times taller than Mount Everest. Also space is 62.5 miles from Earth's surface. The stack of 100s would reach high into outer space.

Also, Bezos would hold 1/6 of all 100 dollar notes in circulation.

BUT, Bezos doesn't hold all of this money in liquid assets, meaning that he can't just access it and turn it into cash. Assuming that Bezos has approximately 1% of his total net worth in liquid assets, he would have a stack of cash 1.24 miles tall, which is 2.43 times taller than the tallest building in the world as of right now, and he would hold 1/600 of all 100 dollar bills in circulation.

The median net worth of an American is $121,700 (source). Your stack of cash in 100 dollars bills is 5.23 inches. Less than half of foot.

TL;DR: Jeff Bezos is filthy rich. If you stacked his money it would reach outer space.

Also, feel free to correct me if any of these calculations are wrong.