why do such people exist

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by CheckOutButts
image showing why do such people exist

ColoTexas90 on March 9th, 2021 at 15:37 UTC »

Hopefully Frances justice system will hold her accountable for a life altering lie... literally.

skeetinyourcereal on March 9th, 2021 at 16:04 UTC »

Holy shit . This girl wasn’t even in class, she just made shit up and then her total piece of shit father went on social Media and stirred up a massive smear campaign against the man based on lies and drummed up enough rhetoric it got a man brutally murdered. Fuck everything about that father and lying little brat kid. This should be the real lesson of the story. Don’t spread rumors to destroy someone’s life, especially if you are just an attention seeking family with zero regards to anyone’s actions but their own. That girls lies and her fathers actions and extreme need for attention and an unhealthy victim complex got an innocent man brutally murdered. This should not go unpunished .

Edit . I see the father was arrested for his connection to the killing and the daughter is charged with slander.

dfloyo on March 9th, 2021 at 16:17 UTC »

Let’s not forget about the actual murderer