Cookie thief.

Image from and submitted by Mumbletimes
image showing Cookie thief.

ifwaz on March 7th, 2021 at 16:31 UTC »

My grandad actually did this to a kid who was bullying my uncle in school. Except he told my uncle not to eat the sandwich and let the bully take it. It worked a treat 😁

Madanax on March 7th, 2021 at 16:42 UTC »

Something I would totaly do if my kid was bulied.

Ro-bearBerbil on March 7th, 2021 at 18:24 UTC »

When I briefly joined the basketball team when I was in jr high, I was bullied by this one jerk the whole time. He would do a lot of things, but he very regularly took my water bottle and drank my water.

As payback, my parents told me lace it with vinegar. It was a transparent water bottle but it was clear so it didn't matter.

It was beautiful to see him guzzle the water vinegar mix out of thirst, and then immediately double over coughing and spitting out whatever was left in his mouth.

He never touched my water bottle again.