the whole gpu market is a mess right now

Image from and submitted by BenZukuto
image showing the whole gpu market is a mess right now

Jonkofluit on March 3rd, 2021 at 06:48 UTC »

This is exactly how I have experienced it. Wanted to buy an 3060ti. Waited for 2 months and now they are 750 euro

Mike_ate_Sully on March 3rd, 2021 at 08:15 UTC »

Imagine buying scalper prices in 2020 to only think now that you got it at a bargain. What a shit show this has been.

livEoNeeS on March 3rd, 2021 at 09:49 UTC »

My gpu fried around December. I just thought, "Eh, It's been ages since I got a new one. I'll just hop over to the pc side of reddit to check which gpu is hot right now and nab that."

Anyway, had to fall back on my only spare working card. Where's my R7770 gang at?
