Mars Is a Hellhole

Authored by and submitted by lughnasadh

But there Musk cuts himself off and begins to laugh. He says with incredulity, “This is not true. This is false––Mars.”

He couldn’t be more wrong. Mars? Mars is a hellhole. The central thing about Mars is that it is not Earth, not even close. In fact, the only things our planet and Mars really have in common is that both are rocky planets with some water ice and both have robots (and Mars doesn’t even have that many).

Read: Can we still go to Mars?

Mars has a very thin atmosphere; it has no magnetic field to help protect its surface from radiation from the sun or galactic cosmic rays; it has no breathable air and the average surface temperature is a deadly 80 degrees below zero. Musk thinks that Mars is like Earth? For humans to live there in any capacity they would need to build tunnels and live underground, and what is not enticing about living in a tunnel lined with SAD lamps and trying to grow lettuce with UV lights? So long to deep breaths outside and walks without the security of a bulky spacesuit, knowing that if you’re out on an extravehicular activity and something happens, you’ve got an excruciatingly painful 60-second death waiting for you. Granted, walking around on Mars would be a life-changing, amazing, profound experience. But visiting as a proof of technology or to expand the frontier of human possibility is very different from living there. It is not in the realm of hospitable to humans. Mars will kill you.

Musk is not from Mars, but he and Sagan do seem to come from different worlds. Like Sagan, Musk exhibits a religious-like devotion to space, a fervent desire to go there, but their purposes are entirely divergent. Sagan inspired generations of writers, scientists, and engineers who felt compelled to chase the awe that he dug up from the depths of their heart. Everyone who references Sagan as a reason they are in their field connects to the wonder of being human, and marvels at the luck of having grown up and evolved on such a beautiful, rare planet.

The influence Musk is having on a generation of people could not be more different. Musk has used the medium of dreaming and exploration to wrap up a package of entitlement, greed, and ego. He has no longing for scientific discovery, no desire to understand what makes Earth so different from Mars, how we all fit together and relate. Musk is no explorer; he is a flag planter. He seems to have missed one of the other lines from Pale Blue Dot: “There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.”

Sagan did believe in sending humans to Mars to first explore and eventually live there, to ensure humanity’s very long-term survival, but he also said this: “What shall we do with Mars? There are so many examples of human misuse of the Earth that even phrasing the question chills me. If there is life on Mars, I believe we should do nothing with Mars. Mars then belongs to the Martians, even if [they] are only microbes.”

mapoftasmania on February 26th, 2021 at 22:25 UTC »

I’d take money and resources spent on colonizing Mars over money spent on humanity’s collective military budget any day.

Tabris2k on February 26th, 2021 at 21:50 UTC »

Dr. Robert Zubrin - Why we should go to Mars?

bigattichouse on February 26th, 2021 at 18:35 UTC »

You underestimate the power of Serendipity - the fact that you're trying to learn and to do, and to build - you discover unrelated things that you never would have found without concerted effort and curiousity.

Let's put it another way: *Goose. Anal. Glands.*

In the 1700s, a naturalist noticed that geese had a special kind of anal gland. They named the gland after the dude. No one cared. In the 1970s, a grad student noticed these glands and noticed ZERO papers on the topic - they just "existed" as an anatomical name, and wanted to understand their purpose. With the blessings of his advisor, and with federal grant money, he was able to study the glands.

That study revealed much of our modern understanding of T-cells and immunity, and formed the foundation of modern cancer research and treatment.

Goose buttholes led to immunology and cancer treatments.

Doing something big, like trying to solve all the problems between here and there will result in multitudes of other advances.

EDIT: I guess it was 1950s, not 70s .. and the gland named in the 1600s.

Here's a rundown: