Yeah, science!!

Image from and submitted by DaFunkJunkie
image showing Yeah, science!!

hendy846 on February 19th, 2021 at 18:06 UTC »

This is what drives me nuts about a lot of politician (mostly Republicans). They can't get past their ego to admit, "hey I don't know everything, I'll defer to the people who know more on the subject." It's that simple. A leader doesn't need to know everything. They just need to know how to get the people who do know to help make decisions. ARGH!!

toeofcamell on February 19th, 2021 at 18:17 UTC »

Bro bro bro, you just gotta pray harder

billiejeanwilliams on February 19th, 2021 at 19:17 UTC »

There was that one time when a midwestern city (Springfield, I think) was run by a council of the smartest people in the city instead of the standard mayor and staff. Their ego got in the way and turned what was supposed to be a utopia into more of a fruitopia.