You really can't defend this

Image from and submitted by Turkerydonger
image showing You really can't defend this

flatworldart on February 14th, 2021 at 23:33 UTC »

The senators don’t work either

putcoolusernamehere on February 14th, 2021 at 23:50 UTC »

Anyone else living at home because their parents are broke and need help, not because they can't afford to live on their own?

jetpack324 on February 15th, 2021 at 00:21 UTC »

The key detail here is that the millennials are more educated than any other generation. They went to college more than any other generation because we (Gen X & Baby Boomers) told them that’s how to succeed financially. What we didn’t account for was that college is no longer affordable to the average American. So millennials are well educated but poor. Add in how ruthless corporate America has become towards paying employees and it’s not a winning situation for far too many.