This hit hard..

Image from and submitted by Good_quality_OwO
image showing This hit hard..

Squirrel_Emergency on February 14th, 2021 at 23:43 UTC »

This does hit hard. “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” Single best piece of advice I’ve ever heard about kids.

crossedreality on February 15th, 2021 at 00:23 UTC »

I’m going to try and remember this the next time my son is on hour 8 of 10 talking to me about Minecraft.

I’ll probably fail, but I’ll try.

peach_problems on February 15th, 2021 at 00:52 UTC »

My family was really clever about how they would get me to stop blabbing. They would go “I wanna hear this story when I can give you my full attention! So can you tell me this story when we get home/after dinner?” And Because they said it like that I knew that they still cared and I could still tell them my story, and I learned that there’s a better time to tell stories and sometimes waiting to tell a story will help me get my thoughts together so I don’t repeat stuff or go on tangents.

Plus, being a kid, I’d sometimes forget the story completely and then my parents didn’t have to sit through a boring conversation XD