The Daily Populous

Saturday February 6th, 2021 evening edition

image for Wuhan residents remember coronavirus 'whistleblower' doctor a year after his death

WUHAN, China (Reuters) - A year after his death from COVID-19, residents in the Chinese city of Wuhan say they remain grateful to the “whistleblower” doctor who first sounded the alarm about the outbreak before it received official recognition.

The 34-year-old’s death from the virus on Feb. 7 led to an outpouring of public mourning and rare expressions of anger online.

Several days later Zhong Nanshan, a renowned epidemiologist, shed tears for Li in an interview with Reuters, calling him a “hero of China.”.

But when President Xi Jinping honoured the “heroes” of the “people’s war” against the virus in September, there was no mention of Li’s contribution.

“He was the first to tell us about the virus,” said Li Pan, 24, who owns an online store.

Ji said the government made mistakes in the early stages, but it has handled it well since.

While 80-year-old Qian Wende said he does not know where the virus came from, he regards Li as a hero. »

TIL that eight years after JFK’s assassination, Jackie Kennedy avoided the public unveiling of their White House portraits, but the Nixons graciously agreed to a secret, private tour for her and her kids. It was her only return visit.

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As the public geared up for the official unveiling of the portraits, Mrs. Kennedy made a secret trip to the White House on February 3.

Prior to this visit, she had not returned to the White House because she thought it would be too painful and sad.

The family arrived at the White House at 5:30 pm for a tour with First Lady Patricia Nixon. »

Kamala Harris has already broken 2 Senate ties on COVID relief. She could give Democrats more victories in the future

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As vice president, Harris holds the title of Senate president, which, while largely ceremonial, means she can vote to break ties on bills, court nominees and Cabinet appointments.

Harris and Manchin: The Kamala Harris-Joe Manchin dust-up explained - and why it matters to the Biden administration.

The prospect of needing Harris to break ties means Democrats might have to schedule key votes based on the vice president's availability. »

New study finds number of Americans in extreme mental distress now 2x higher than 1993 (6.4% vs 3.5%)

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Launched in 1984, the BRFSS is a monthly survey of hundreds of thousands of Americans in all 50 states.

The data that the survey collects includes the respondents’ health-related risk behaviors, health conditions, and use of various services.

They classified respondents who gave the highest possible answer (i.e. 30 days out of 30) as being in extreme distress. »