And they complain about AOC...

Image from and submitted by DaFunkJunkie
image showing And they complain about AOC...

ONCOMINGGG on February 2nd, 2021 at 20:09 UTC »

Wow she has a GED? I have seriously underestimated her.

That fucken does it. BRB, running for congress.

minkey-on-the-loose on February 2nd, 2021 at 20:17 UTC »

I cannot fathom a Democrat in this day and age being nominated for a state legislator position let alone as a national legislator with this level of competency. I find it fascinating to see this level of unpreparedness seen as qualified in a major political party. Yes ammoerotica is alive and well in rural America.

YourLictorAndChef on February 2nd, 2021 at 20:47 UTC »

I think that "Is Lauren Boebert qualified?" is an important question, but it ranks below the questions "How easy is it to manipulate her?" and "Who financed her campaign?"