Gabe Plotkin is not a clever man.

Image from and submitted by GalacticScholar
image showing Gabe Plotkin is not a clever man.

Robbotlove on January 28th, 2021 at 14:27 UTC »

i guess the WSB discord got shut down due to 'hate speech' and the media is trying to paint them all as alt-right trumpers. kinda sus that they shut it down after the gamestonk fiasco.

and im just sitting over here like; i dont give a shit if they're trumpers or not. this is the one thing i'll align with them on: fucking the rich.

ThatSilverOtter on January 28th, 2021 at 15:06 UTC »

I really hope WSB does it again and again. Like the Goofy meme but as a counterbalance to Wall Street.

pdwp90 on January 28th, 2021 at 15:17 UTC »

The biggest takeaway from the whole WallStreetBets bonanza is that if you give normal people the same information as Wall Street, they can and will use it just as effectively as the best fundamental investors.

I've spent the last year writing code to get data that Wall Street pays thousands of dollars a month for and making it available for free. My thesis has been that normal people are just as good as, if not better then, Wall Street at evaluating stuff like social media trends and the last week has been solid evidence towards my case.

There are countless hedge funds that could have identified and profited from the same opportunity before WallStreetsBets had the chance to get in, but they didn't. The only thing keeping them on top is the fact that they already have money.

EDIT: Here's my Twitter account, for anyone looking for updates on my work.