Daily COVID-19 vaccine doses administered

Authored by ourworldindata.org and submitted by Spirited-Pause

Cumulative confirmed COVID-19 cases Map and country time-series

Daily COVID-19 tests per thousand people Rolling 7-day average

Daily confirmed COVID-19 cases Map and country time-series

Daily confirmed COVID-19 cases Stacked area chart – by world region

Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths Map and time-series

Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths By Region

Daily tests per thousand people Since total confirmed cases reached 1 per million

Excess mortality during COVID-19: Raw number of deaths from all causes compared to previous years Raw death counts

Share of COVID-19 tests that were positive Over time, since 5th death was confirmed

Total COVID-19 tests conducted vs. Confirmed cases Positive rate comparison

Total COVID-19 tests for each confirmed case Bar chart

Total COVID-19 tests per 1,000: how are testing rates changing? Since daily new confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 reached 0.1 per million

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases By Region

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases By Income Group

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people Map and country time-series

Total confirmed COVID-19 deaths Map and country time-series

Total confirmed COVID-19 deaths By Region

NiftWatch on January 24th, 2021 at 17:23 UTC »

The vaccine is spreading 10x faster than the virus. Just waiting for me to catch it...

The vaccine, not the virus.

reluctantly_me on January 24th, 2021 at 14:52 UTC »

1.3 million was hit on Jan 11 for the first million+ day according to what I read.

BobbyMarshal on January 24th, 2021 at 13:33 UTC »

That’s currently more than 15 people per second, see here how quick that looks

Edit: Hope people are finding this useful, you can also compare to other countries here. If you have any questions or suggestions for the site let me know