Love thy neighbor, "No, that's socialism"

Image from and submitted by ledgendary
image showing Love thy neighbor, "No, that's socialism"

boisonberrysoup on January 25th, 2021 at 11:08 UTC »

"Thou shalt not unionize. Collective bargaining is trash. You get paid according to your market value." - Moses of the Israelites in Egypt

victorbarst on January 25th, 2021 at 12:54 UTC »

yea that was my experience to a T. spent my whole admiring my grandmother for her kindness and compassion and how she told me to always put others first. broke my heart when she joined the "obama was a muslim" crowd

xiaolinstyle on January 25th, 2021 at 14:06 UTC »

Getting my heavily religious parents to understand that Republican = \ = Christian is like getting a cat to bark. They refuse to and I'm not sure they can.

I am a Christian but I abhor Republicans, the Republican party, and pretty much the whole of "conservatism". None of their policies or propaganda actually come from Biblical principals. It all stems from greed and racism. Capitalism itself I believe to be fundamentally flawed and my politics are very "socialist". But they are based on what I know are Biblical tenets. Love God, Love your neighbor. These are the MOST important things. None of which is reflected in any of the conservative stance.

I find the 50+ yo generation of Christians and even a significant portion of the younger ones to be exceedingly hypocritical.