Do you think they don't notice?

Image from and submitted by cheeseface35
image showing Do you think they don't notice?

mike_rohdick on January 16th, 2021 at 00:50 UTC »

A watched turban never explodes

Artifyce47 on January 16th, 2021 at 00:57 UTC »

I live in a community with a lot of Sikhs that also wear turbans. Couple of asshats decided to beat the shit out of some old Sikhs gentleman because they though he was Muslim. Hate crime and were too stupid to attack the followers of the religion they hate (not saying that it would be better if they got the right religion, just commenting on the mindlessness of racists). People make me sick sometimes.

Glenlivet88 on January 16th, 2021 at 02:07 UTC »

Man with turban: "Sir, I'm Sikh."

Boomer: "sTaY ⁶ fEeT aWaY !"