TIL in 2016, the Swedish Tourism Council created a single phone number that connected the caller to a random Swede for you to have a conversation with. In the 79 days it was open, almost 200,000 calls were made with a combined 367 days worth of conversations.

Authored by theswedishnumber.com and submitted by TravellingSaffa
image for TIL in 2016, the Swedish Tourism Council created a single phone number that connected the caller to a random Swede for you to have a conversation with. In the 79 days it was open, almost 200,000 calls were made with a combined 367 days worth of conversations.

The first country in the world with its own phone number.

Get connected to a random Swede and talk about anything.

The Swedish Number is now closed.

In total the world spoke to random Swedes for over a year.

Scroll down to see more statistics from the 79 days it was open.

rahulkshk22 on January 12nd, 2021 at 08:38 UTC »

I remember i made three calls on this number. First call I was connected to a musicician who had isolated himself in a cabin to make music, he made me hear some of it too. Second person was a 77 year old man on his way to buy a gift for his granddaughter. The third one was a nurse who was on her way to a children's hospital and I remember she was really excited as one of her patients was finally being discharged after a prolonged illness. Overall it was a great experience!

JakeDex on January 12nd, 2021 at 07:13 UTC »

Swede here. I actually had the app and got several calls during the two weeks I was active.

I talked to a US school class, a businessman stuck in traffic in Singapore, an exchange student in Zanzibar, BBC Mundo, a few other papers and a bunch more people.

Very nice experience, would gladly do it again.

Psychwrite on January 12nd, 2021 at 06:15 UTC »

Wakie is an app that accomplishes the same thing. You set an alarm, some rando from all over the world calls you to wake you up. You can also be the waker, which is a lot of fun, especially when you're drunk.