Bee grateful

Image from and submitted by 27alternateaccount27
image showing Bee grateful

creampie909 on December 26th, 2020 at 16:42 UTC »

Now, drop a new hint, like “ferrets are fabulous creatures”. Keep us updated.

SauronOMordor on December 26th, 2020 at 17:54 UTC »


A friend of mine has an apartment full of M&M's themed stuff. If you walked into her apartment you would think she was clearly obsessed with M&M's. But she is not.

When she was like 18 and decorating her very first apartment, she randomly bought a little M&M's gumball machine type thing because she thought it was cute and, yes, she does like M&M's because, you know, she's a normal human being.

For her next birthday, her Mom bought her an M&M's poster and a giant bag of M&M's to refill the machine with. Friend was like "oh that's awesome! It goes great with the M&M's machine!" or some shit like that, you know, a very normal reaction.

Apparently, Mom took this to mean that M&M's were her favourite thing ever or something and has literally bought her M&M's themed stuff for like every birthday and Christmas since... and because she has so much M&M's stuff, other people started to assume the same thing and also started to buy her M&M's stuff lol

A few years go she finally told her Mom and everyone else that she actually isn't that into M&M's and asked them to please stop buying her that stuff because she'd like to start making her apartment look a little more grown up, and has been slowly getting rid of most of it as she replaces things. If and when she buys a place she's told me she is going to literally just get rid of all of it except the OG machine lol

SergeantFlip on December 26th, 2020 at 18:04 UTC »

In 2007, I told my dad that I really liked this one kind of beer. That beer is good, but it’s not my favorite by any stretch. However, to this day my dad makes sure to have a six pack of it on hand every single time I go home.