because they ‘didn’t like him’

Image from and submitted by m_ehsan
image showing because they ‘didn’t like him’

mofoTom on December 22nd, 2020 at 13:58 UTC »

"you see, I was innocent! Wh....why are those girls still not arrested?"

"Now now Timmy, it was just a prank and this is a warning for you if you would harass those girls. Now go say sorry"

IamGotBored on December 22nd, 2020 at 14:13 UTC »

Reading that was demoralizing. I really hope those girls face some kind of justice.

YaBarberr on December 22nd, 2020 at 16:08 UTC »

Been falsely accused of sexual assault by my ex. Almost got arrested, but I took it to the school and they tried to handle it, the school tossed it around for about a month before they just stopped talking to me, idk if they continued with her, but my reputation and multiple friendships were ruined in a matter of days. It was my senior year (2020). Her and my now ex best friend are now together cause he took her side on the allegations. She also falsely accused me of hitting her (when she was the one who hit me, and pressured me into sex multiple times). She faced no consequences. I’m still looked at as an awful person, I’m still asked by people if it’s true. And like I said, she’s the one who’s been coddled by a bunch of people. Don’t get me wrong, there were a fair amount of people who still took my side and are still my friends. It showed me who was really with me and who wasn’t. Thanks for reading my soap box.

Edit: thanks for all the support everyone. I really appreciate it.

Edit 2: this comment has opened my eyes to the fact that other men know these issues. But please remember, from someone that deals with the issue that not all women are going to abuse their privilege, just like not all men or people in general will abuse their privilege