
Image from and submitted by kevinowdziej
image showing Probly

angrydutchgeit on December 7th, 2020 at 12:36 UTC »

A narcissistic family member, who divorced his much younger wife and began dating her even younger sister (she was about 19 and he was in his 40s), announced that he boarded a plane over Thanksgiving so he and a friend could go to Twin Peaks.

I guarantee he's not a good tipper.

Edit: P.S. It may come as a shock that he thinks COVID is a liberal plot and masks are for the weak.

HighOnGoofballs on December 7th, 2020 at 13:00 UTC »

I’m in a tourist town and the problem is the people traveling right now are mostly the worst type of tourist. Rude, demanding, and poor tippers who all think covid is a hoax and will take it out on their server when asked to wear a mask or stay distanced

Doctor_Amazo on December 7th, 2020 at 13:48 UTC »

reviews notes against the post-church rush

Yeah the research checks out.