Ben Franklin was a smart fella

Image from and submitted by beerbellybegone
image showing Ben Franklin was a smart fella

Sturmhuhn on December 2nd, 2020 at 09:32 UTC »

In germany we habe a word "Halbwissen" (half-knowledge)t o describe stuff you just picked up somewhere but cant back up. The sharing of halbwissen is dangerous because it happens casually in conversations and often times is just accepted.

Thus these myths about THE CREATOR and stuff like that spread and people just recite absolutly ridiculous stuff in the end.

Im absolutly dumbfounded that in the age of the internet people are still too lazy to take the 30seconds and look this shit up for themselfes before writing a post full of halbwissen and spread wrong information around

Carotcuite on December 2nd, 2020 at 09:43 UTC »

I hate the "take your vaccine and leave us alone" thing. It doesn't work that way. For a vaccine to be efficient, it needs to be inoculated to a high percentage of the population because it's not 100% efficient on everybody. Some people don't become immune. So if you want to protect those people, everyone needs to get vaccinated so as not to transmit the disease to them.

It's basic solidarity.

kuribosshoe0 on December 2nd, 2020 at 10:14 UTC »

I love the selective logic that vaccines are bad because humans are perfect as-is. I assume this guy never drives or makes use of the wheel in any way. That would be admitting that he was designed deficient and needs humans to fix it.