As real as it gets : )

Image from and submitted by GolfDadNotes
image showing As real as it gets : )

baynell on November 20th, 2020 at 04:10 UTC »

It doesn't matter who was the provider of the semen. Being a dad is so much more than the genes.

Paul_of_War on November 20th, 2020 at 05:03 UTC »

My little guy turned 1 the other day. Technically he’s still my foster son, as the custody hearings took forever because of COVID, and now adoptions are happening even slower. But, in his first couple months, I would watch him sleep and wonder if he would feel that connection with me - to know I was his dad, even if we don’t share dna.

It didn’t take long for him to start looking me in the eye and smiling for me to realize that he understood. Even so young, he knew at his basic core that I would love and protect him, as a dad should.

Thanks for your post, it makes me happy

I’m glad my comment made so many happy. Becoming a foster parent really opened my eyes to just how truly horrible many “parents” are, and I’ve made it a goal to try and counter that darkness with my own light. I’ve only been a dad for a short time, but if anyone needs to talk to a dad about anything, just message me :)

CodenameDinkleburg on November 20th, 2020 at 05:06 UTC »

As someone who didn't 'get' an adoptive dad until 19yo (I'm the oldest and was already out of the house) I feel this on multiple levels. In the relatively short 6 years we've been bonding, my step father has been more of a true father than my bio dad was an 19years plus the 6 since then