Mitch McConnell Has Let It Be Known He Will Continue to Be an Obstructive Jackass If Joe Biden Wins

Authored by and submitted by newfrontier58
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In what is very likely a strategic leak to Axios, Mitch McConnell has let it be known that he's going to continue to be an obstructive jackass should Joe Biden be elected president.

The new Senate political math could dash the ambitions of some Democrats, including those who have clashed with Republicans. It could push Biden to go with more centrist options, like Lael Brainard for Treasury or Tony Blinken for State, sources tell Axios. Susan Rice and Stacey Abrams could be early casualties, depending on McConnell's posture.But it could also open paths for others, like Sen. Chris Coons, who could benefit from a tradition of senatorial courtesy for quick confirmations of nominees within its ranks.

A source close to McConnell tells Axios a Republican Senate would work with Biden on centrist nominees but no "radical progressives" or ones who are controversial with conservatives.The Biden agenda would be severely restricted by GOP control, the source added: "It's going to be armed camps."

This, of course, surprises nobody, but there's a subtext to the strategy that's worthy of examination. For a couple of weeks now, based on the reading of god-knows-what political entrails, McConnell has been distancing himself publicly from the administration* and nudging the members of his Senate majority to do the same, if they felt it necessary to do so. Now, emboldened by somewhat surprising results in the 2020 Senate races, McConnell has let it be known that he's moved on to preparing to be an obstructive jackass to another Democratic president. He's done with this administration*, and he'd like everyone to know that.

Charles P. Pierce Charles P Pierce is the author of four books, most recently Idiot America, and has been a working journalist since 1976.

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roughingupthesuspect on November 5th, 2020 at 16:16 UTC »

If Biden wins he can shitcan McConnell’s wife from the Transportation Secretary job she holds and investigate them both for their shady Russia deals in KY.

Notveryawake on November 5th, 2020 at 16:13 UTC »

Why do evil people have such long lives?

ribeyeIsGood on November 5th, 2020 at 16:11 UTC »

Biden should use executive orders then. We now know clearly who the GOP is, thanks to Trump pulling off their mask.