Grateful for the PBS. $41 for $5889 life changing medication.

Image from and submitted by pdgb
image showing Grateful for the PBS. $41 for $5889 life changing medication.

CaptainEasypants on November 5th, 2020 at 07:24 UTC »

I had an employee a couple years ago who was on a carers pension. He told me one day he can't work any more hours because he'll earn too much and they'll cut his pension, etc. I told him he'd make more by working. He then told me why he was on a carers pension, his wife has ms and the treatments they were on cost +$40000 per session and it is covered under the pension but not otherwise. Needless to say I gave him only the hours he wanted after that. He was awesome

balki on November 5th, 2020 at 07:44 UTC »

What I find hilarious is those people who are against socialised health care don't understand that it's the exact same system with private health insurance.

These companies rely on healthy low-risk young individuals to sign-up to private health insurance to subsidies the costs for the older high-risk people.

The only difference between the two is that Private Health Insurance is trying to profit from the system, which overall, makes it more expensive, dangerous, and plain fucking inefficient.

groundshark01 on November 5th, 2020 at 07:54 UTC »

PBS is an absolute god send I've tried buying medication for my athritis at work in PNG and it's $189 a box here it's $12.95