My husband told me I needed to grow up and stop dressing like a 17 year old goth kid. My reprisal came in the form of residual teen angst and darker eyeliner. His? Divorce papers. I'm 31. Roast me.

Image from and submitted by btwistolethisriff
image showing My husband told me I needed to grow up and stop dressing like a 17 year old goth kid. My reprisal came in the form of residual teen angst and darker eyeliner. His? Divorce papers. I'm 31. Roast me.

toothscrew on October 21st, 2020 at 18:52 UTC »

The only thing less believable than your Goth phase is your husband

DitkasFinger on October 21st, 2020 at 18:55 UTC »

31 years old and describing your behavior as teenage angst?

You roast yourself.

ProductivityCanSuckI on October 21st, 2020 at 19:18 UTC »

That green in your hair really accentuates all those glaring red flags you're giving off.