What do you guys think of this?

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by sijaz321
image showing What do you guys think of this?

delate199405 on October 15th, 2020 at 21:44 UTC »

100% I don't like the way cod is going at all

Pzasant on October 15th, 2020 at 21:47 UTC »

Can’t believe we’re at the stage where streaks don’t even reset upon death lmao

Edit: Made a post regarding the new system.

DredgenYorAnus on October 15th, 2020 at 22:55 UTC »

Remember grouping up with friends and playing CoD. Stomping teams or getting stomped a portion but every once in a while there was that one lobby of the day. You get that sweaty game that’s awesome. You strap on the try hard classes, stupid jokes and banter are replaced with comms and callouts. Then the game ends. Shit talking commences (sometimes chillness). The losing team going for the usual “Don’t back out stay in here” and you go again. Next time the losing team prevails and more shit talking happens. Sometimes teams would rage, sometimes they’d win, but man you always came out of it feeling good if you came out on top.

SBMM ruins this feeling. It doesn’t exist in the current iterations of CoD. Disbanded lobbies ruin that connection that most of us players used to thrive on. Not the every game is gonna be a sweat fest mode. There’s no fun to be had if every game you know the result. A game that more often than not goes to time or takes forever because we all MLG now and a million dollars are on the line.

Turn down SBMM, allow lobbies to continue playing together if they choose to. Get shit on, shit on people, or sweat your ass of against another team of similar skill. A game consisting of all three possibilities is entirely more fun than one that only has on of those three options.

Edit: I love some of the naysayers in here defending SBMM. Your experience has been good? That’s great but I’d say quite a fair amount of people have continuously stated they’ve had bad experiences. I’m one of them and this comment went to why that is. I bet y’all death comms are salty af.