There's ALWAYS context mentioned

Image from and submitted by NukeWheaten
image showing There's ALWAYS context mentioned

quattroformaggixfour on October 3rd, 2020 at 23:38 UTC »

Maybe (hopefully) that will be the focus when the (actual) criminal dies?

.....held myself back real hard not to actually wish for it just then, think I sprained a muscle

EzzoMahfouz on October 4th, 2020 at 00:07 UTC »

Oh my god... they dug up Trayvon’s grades???

Bozo_dubbed_over on October 4th, 2020 at 00:29 UTC »

I was fully ready to convict George Zimmerman until I found out Trayvon got a D freshman year then I was like oh yeah jUsTiFiAbLe mUrDeR for sure. You gotta wait on all the facts.