
Image from and submitted by phorium
image showing Brainwashed!

mragaareddit on August 29th, 2020 at 06:04 UTC »

It’s a brain failure that started the route to multi-organ failure. I say make them sign a consent and follow their wishes. It won’t be surprising if they later sued you for unnecessary medical intervention.

Bigbrain6 on August 29th, 2020 at 06:29 UTC »

I don't know how people like this don't believe covid when they are laying In a hospital dying to it

bebcabaea on August 29th, 2020 at 07:47 UTC »

I’m a door screener at a clinic. People really show up to the doctor and then say they don’t believe they need a mask.

Okay??? So do you believe doctors know what they’re talking about or not??? Clearly you trust them somewhat if you’re here. You can’t pick and choose.

EDIT: Made this comment, fell asleep, and woke up to all of this. Thanks for the awards and everything!

EDIT TWO: I wanna use the fact that my comment is very visible at the moment to give a little advice about what I call “mask anxiety”. I first read this idea in a Facebook post by a yoga teacher, but I can’t find it anywhere. I apologize. Basically, masks make you want to breathe through your mouth. Mouth-breathing increases anxiety. Nose-breathing decreases anxiety. If you want to wear a mask but find it very very difficult/anxiety-inducing, please try to focus on nose-breathing. I tell worried patients about this all the time and it seems to help them relax. I’d also add that you may find the app “Calm” helpful. They have a breathing exercise feature that does wonders for my own anxiety. Good luck, everyone! Stay safe! I’m tempted to do an “I’m a door screener at a medical clinic, AMA.”