It shouldn't be like this. At all.

Image from and submitted by Romano16
image showing It shouldn't be like this. At all.

outoftowner2 on August 27th, 2020 at 11:05 UTC »

I am not one bit surprised to learn this morning that the guy in the lower left photo who shot and killed two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin was in a northern Illinois cities police cadet program. The departments Facebook page (Before it was taken down) featured a photo of the murdering fuck in his cadet uniform including a trooper hat. He is known to idolize police and appears to have pursuing a career in law enforcement.

If this is the kind of person that is attracted to your profession you should really take a long fucking look at your profession and figure out why people like this want to join you. You might not like what you find...

PeopleWearMyJeans on August 27th, 2020 at 13:06 UTC »

america is fucking lost

geraltimon on August 27th, 2020 at 14:28 UTC »

The thing that passes me off the most is that the standard is that any police interaction has the chance to kill you, for literally any reason, and the officer will likely not face any severe repercussion.

My conservative dad recognizes this, yet denies it also. Basically saying "always comply, because something bad could happen, but they don't always kill you, so things are fine."

Can conservatives just admit that this shouldn't be the standard, that perhaps changing things so that any interaction doesn't have the chance of killing you?

Nope, they are cool with it. Because it hurts the right people.