The Daily Populous

Sunday August 23rd, 2020 evening edition

image for Donald Trump is to speak on all 4 nights of the RNC, and his family will take up half of the keynote speaker spots

President Donald Trump is to speak on all four nights of next week's Republican National Convention, reported The New York Times on Saturday.

Usually, the party's presidential candidate only speaks on the last night, to accept the party's nomination.

The president, who has a background in reality TV, plans a spectacular first-ever virtual RNC that he hopes will eclipse last week's Democratic convention.

The party's list of key speakers is dominated by Trump family members, with the president's wife and three of his children to address the conference, reported Fox News.

Trump will speak at the RNC's first-ever virtual event every night in a prime-time 10pm slot, reported the Times.

According to Politico, Trump believes that last week's DNC event was too "gloomy," and wants a more upbeat tone for the GOP conference.

The St Louis couple who controversially brandished guns at Black lives Matter protesters outside their mansion are due to speak. »

파주 스타벅스 확진자 56명 나왔는데 '직원 4명'은 멀쩡할 수 있었던 이유

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[인사이트] 김소영 기자 = 파주 스타벅스발 코로나19 확진자가 지속적으로 증가해 56명까지 늘어났지만, 희한하게도 당시에 있던 직원들은 모두 감염되지 않았다.

2층 매장에서 30대 여성 A씨 등이 두 시간가량 머물렀을 뿐인데 누적 확진자가 56명까지 증가한 상황.

이날 매장에 있던 네 명의 직원은 손님과 직접 대면하고 1, 2층을 수시로 오갔지만 KF94 마스크와 위생장갑을 근무시간 내내 착용했다. »

What was it like to be a Nintendo game play counselor?

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With so many entertainment options available to consumers today, the bygone era of all-encompassing Nintendo mania in America seems quaint.

Then a guy I went to church with, Mike Robinson, said, “Hey, I’m a game play counselor at Nintendo.”

My sister worked briefly at Nintendo, and she said, “Well, you know, you can be a game play counselor.” »

in Minsk found hanged one of the demonstrators – World News – UNIAN

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A demonstrator who went missing during rallies on August 12 was found dead in Belarus.

According to NEXTA Live, his severely beaten body was found in a noose in a forest park on Parnikova Street in Minsk.

At the same time, Nasha Niva writes that Nikita Kryvtsov was found dead in a forest in the Partizansky district of Minsk with traces of beatings. »

China's Communist Party is a threat to the world, says former elite insider

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But her decades-long career as a Communist Party scholar and adviser has given her criticism a special weight -- and dealt an embarrassing blow to the Party.

For now, Cai said she was happy to be expelled from the Party, which she said no longer resembled the Party she grew up believing in.

"They told me: 'you're first a Communist Party member, and your identity as a citizen comes later.'" »