They never even gave this man a chance to comply before gunning him down!

Image from and submitted by Randybrobro
image showing They never even gave this man a chance to comply before gunning him down!

MikepGrey on August 11st, 2020 at 01:36 UTC »

Ya, wtf is with this, I saw the shooting the cop had no justification, the gun was down and away from the officers and he was putting it down.

No one is filing suit over this? For fking Real?

NotEnoughCreamcheese on August 11st, 2020 at 02:26 UTC »

If you watch the video, he’s litteraly on his knees with his hands up and the pig who he’s not even facing just decides to start shooting him in the back. Disgusting. He had gone to his daughters graduation he day before, too.

jigglydrizzle on August 11st, 2020 at 03:02 UTC »

Apparently the piece of shit that made the noise complaint intentionally misled the police and classified the noise as domestic abuse to get them to go faster. The cops were ready to shoot that guy before they even arrived.